Patricia Bastin

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Patricia Bastin

Born in 1958, she is a painting professor at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Liège.

She has won the Donnay and Pauline Jamar Awards as well as the Horlait Foundation Award. In 1982, she held her first exhibition at the Liège Architecture Museum.

Over the years, she has been pursuing personal works marked by darkness and penetration, tirelessly exploring the themes she holds dear: the language of form, the void of the waves, the power of the unfathomable landscape, and humanity, standing in its form and flesh, or standing like a shadow, in the infinity of the horizon. She said, “‘Layering the paint, stacking the canvases, lifting them like fragments, painting them as if questioning the emptiness behind them - this is the meaning of my current research...’” While applying aesthetic criteria, the artist questions pain. However, the result is surprising. It quietly intertwines with symbolic references and silhouettes; everywhere there is a theater of Chinese shadows, alongside frames or patterns, with a naturalist's sensitivity.

— Lucien Rama, Art Critic

Exhibition Experience (Selection)

Liège Architecture Museum, Ansembourg Museum, Liehrmann Gallery, Aturiale Gallery, Provincial Center for Cultural Affairs, Artists' House, Chiroux Central Library, Arcane Gallery, House of Secularism, Vegimont Gallery, La Châtaigneraie, House of Poetry, Ivoz - Ramet, Couleurs en Val Mosan, Huy Academy of Fine Arts, Tamines Academy of Fine Arts, Beau Site Space in Arlon, Visual Arts Exhibition and Conference in Liège Province, Villers Le Temple Biennale, B.Phane Gallery in Brussels, Gallery 13, Aqua Art Space, UNESCO Office in Paris, Theaterdilldopp, Mexican Center for Contemporary Art, Tepoztlan Monastery in Mexico, 1st Rio - Brazil Forum, Vallée de la Gueule Museum, La Calamine Historical Museum.

Representative works

Sans titre 6 、140x100cm、Huile

Sans titre 8、150x150cm、Acrylique

Sans titre 17、100x154.5cm、Acrylique